Tuesday, January 28, 2025 13:00 - 14:45
Conference *

On Tuesday, 28 January 2025, the Data Protection Day will take place again, this time on the topic of ‘AI beyond the hype - Opportunities and challenges for data protection’.

In 2023 we already presented the subject of 'Artificial Intelligence and Personal Data', and the participants had requested a follow-up event. In view of the increasing spread and acceptance of generative AI, there is indeed a great need for clarification when it comes to the data protection aspects of these technologies.

Two interesting talks are waiting for you to familiarise you with the functioning of AI systems and to shed a light on challenges and privacy risks when using them.
Furthermore, experts from CERN, EMBL and EPO will present practical applications of AI systems - be it in the domain of productivity or for research purposes - and the benefits they generate in their organisations.

This time too, the event is being held jointly with several international organisations. Thanks to the collaboration of four EIROforum organisations - CERN, EMBL, ESA and ESO - and the European Patent Office, you can enjoy an online event – free of charge and without registration – on the 28.01.2025, from 13:00 to 14:45 h.

Video conference link: coming soon

Live stream link: coming soon

Recordings will be available shortly after the event.
