Every seventh human lives with a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) as a daily reality. The story of neglect of these diseases is the story of the neglect of ordinary people. Our members work in different ways, and on different diseases, but together as the Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases, it is our shared ambition to put an end to the neglect of NTDs.
Millions of people are disabled, stigmatized and excluded from school or work as a result of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). NTDs are responsible for more than 6 million deaths each year. However, the existence of NTDs is almost unknown to the Swiss public. To take the fight against NTDs to the next level, Switzerland needs to become aware of their existence.
The “Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases” (SANTD) is committed to facilitate that: 14 members, including 10 organizations, have united to form an NTD network. The broad range of diverse Swiss institutions includes NGOs, educational and research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. Together, we pursue our vision of a world free from NTDs and aim to lessen the global burden of these diseases.
As an overarching goal, SANTD aims to increase the visibility of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Switzerland. By raising awareness for the challenge of these diseases, SANTD hopes to encourage Switzerland to support the fight against NTDs with the necessary funds and resources.
Through activities such as advocacy, fundraising, and campaigning, SANTD assists its members with the development of new and user-friendly drugs, diagnostic tests and interventions. SANTD is dedicated to overcoming the considerable investment gap in the fields of research, intervention, and education.
Additionally, SANTD will use existing and new synergies between these fields to foster collaborations within and outside of the network. Through a continuous exchange of knowledge and expertise, SANTD enables its members to discover opportunities for partnerships.