Access to medicines is a global issue that has an undeniable impact on health.
Conference debate Tuesday 13 December 2022, 18h30 Uni Dufour, Room U300, Rue du Général-Dufour 24, 1204 Genève
Access to medicines is a global issue that has an undeniable impact on health.
In order to raise awareness among a wide audience, the conference-debate "Access to Medicines: A Global Challenge" proposed to introduce the book "How much do our lives cost?" in order to open a panorama on access to medicines by illustrating the theme with different vignettes and speakers, followed by a wider debate around the issue of access by inviting the participation of the general public.
Access to essential medicines - a fundamental element of the right to health - remains an issue due to price, availability and affordability. Why is this a global challenge? What is the situation in Switzerland? What are the solutions?
Program :
Conference Introduction. Prof. Antoine Flahault - Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine UNIGE
Presentation of the book: "How much do our lives cost? Pauline Londeix and Jérôme Martin - Co-founder of the Observatory of Transparency in Medicines Policies (OTMeds)
The challenge of neglected tropical diseases. Prof. François Chappuis - Department of Primary Care Medicine & Service of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine, HUG/UNIGE
After 100 years, why access to insulin remains problematic. Prof. David Beran - Department of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine, HUG/UNIGE
Access to cancer treatment in Switzerland: what impact on our health. Dr. Alfredo Addeo - Department of Oncology, HUG