Founded in 1974, the Swiss Association of Science Journalism (in French Association suisse du journalisme scientifique ASJS) is a professional association of former and current science journalists in Switzerland. It currently has some 320 members. About 190 are "ordinary members" and are either employed by a recognized media (daily newspaper, magazine, TV, radio, website) or work as "free" journalists. The other members are called "extraordinary" and most often hold positions as communicators for private or academic institutions.
The goals of the ASJS include the reinforcement of quality, independent and transparent science journalism in the Swiss media landscape, the development of a network among its own members as well as with members of similar associations abroad and, in general, the encouragement of an exchange of valuable and useful information between journalists, scientists, policy makers and the general public. To achieve these goals, the ASJS offers its members a website (recently refurbished), a newsletter with articles describing "best practices" in science journalism, and a weekly newsletter. It organizes various workshops, continuing education courses, seminars, visits and excursions on science and science journalism topics. Twice a year, ordinary ASJS members are eligible for an investigative science journalism grant to help them with an otherwise unfeasible project. ASJS members are regularly invited, through the association's networks, to participate in science and science journalism events in Europe and around the world.
Managed by a board of renowned science journalists, the ASJS is an ordinary member of the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ). The ASJS serves as the sole interlocutor for science journalism issues in Switzerland. Its members are regularly involved in juries, festival or event committees for science journalism or science communication. The ASJS finances its activities through membership fees, e-commerce (website notices and newsletters) and external donations, while applying clear rules to guarantee the total independence of action of its members in all its events.